The show investigates the progression of the male from pre-adolescent to fully-grown, featuring works by Wolfgang Tillmans, Stephen Irwin, Altila Lukacs and Jack Pierson, amongst others. Vince’s vision for the project was to present, many variations [of masculinity] gathered side-by-sid
The show investigates the progression of the male from pre-adolescent to fully-grown, featuring works by Wolfgang Tillmans, Stephen Irwin, Altila Lukacs and Jack Pierson, amongst others. Vince’’s vision for the project was to present, many variations [of masculinity] gathered side-by-sid
The show investigates the progression of the male from pre-adolescent to fully-grown, featuring works by Wolfgang Tillmans, Stephen Irwin, Altila Lukacs and Jack Pierson, amongst others. Vince’s vision for the project was to present, many variations [of masculinity] gathered side-by-sid